The Globetrotting Meghan

The Globetrotting Meghan

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I don't know how many of you know this, but I absolutely love the 4th of July! I love the patriotism and the colors and the fireworks and the music. So I was way excited to finally get to go to a Madison celebration of it. They put on a spectacular fireworks display with choreographed music and it was fabulous. This year we watched from across the lake, so it was pretty cool to see the fireworks exploding over the lake. Next year I am definitely going to have to go to the actual park where they set them off from. They even had a blackhawk and F16 flyover. It was spectacular. Anyways, the pictures are a little blurry, but they are still pretty cool. And hopefully the video shows you how fun it was. If you look close enough you'll see that in one of the pictures I was able to catch the smiley face fireworks. Pretty awesome, huh?