This is the front bathroom, better known as Lisa's.
This is our kitchen. Definitely an improvement over my last one.
And I love having a bar.
The "library". It is actually one side of our extremely large living room. And Lisa has a slight obsession with magnetic poetry.
Our living room area.
Our dining room. Isn't it a glorious table? Solid oak!
Here is my extra large closet. All those boxes and still plenty of room.
This is my bedroom. A little messy still, and still some rearranging to do, but it is getting there.
The Yahara River runs right by our apartment complex. Do you see the light house at the end?
This is my bathroom. Atleast I managed to make it something other than green.
I love the park by our house. It has a beautiful pond and lots of fun bridges.
Rest and relaxation with Ink as I recover from my surgery. See the gigantic wrap on my arm?
I think we tired poor Jason out a little too much while he was helping us move... He fell asleep in between carrying loads of boxes.